Boundaries from the cult saved my parents marriage. So I was born into a concept. It was all I knew. Still Totally ADD
Still Totally ADD
JoinedPosts by Still Totally ADD
Why Do You Think People Become Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus inbesides growing up in the religion, why do you think people turn to jehovah’s witnesses?
what made you become a witness?
My Mom died last week.
by Still Totally ADD inlast wednesday my elder brother called me to let me know mom had died.
she was 97 years old and was in a nursing home for the last 7 years.
her mind had left her many years ago to the point she didn't recognize any of us.
Still Totally ADD
Thank you all for your kind comments. Little more information on my older brother. He is 77 years old and is a elder. We are 11 years apart and we were never close. He has always treated me like a step child instead as a brother. He is what he is and I have accepted that. He told me 10 years ago that he felt he would die in this system. So deep down there are doubts in his mind.
My Mom in many ways was kind and loving to me but her mental health was always in the way. I learned at a very young age to avoid her certain times of the month. She would be so, so parts of the month then for about a week would be very happy and loving. That's when I knew the misery would begin. Anger, hateful speech, violence and screaming. I would just stay away during that period. There would also be times she would be having screaming conversations with people who would not be there. I learned from her doctor 10 years ago she was most likely suffering from paranoia schizophrenia. After Dad die it worsen to the point she wanted to kill my wife. At that time my brother took over taking care of her and we moved to PA.
Anyway that's the short story of it all. I will work on thinking only on the positive things she did and was. Life is to short to dwell on the negative. Again thank you all for all your kindness. Still Totally ADD
My Mom died last week.
by Still Totally ADD inlast wednesday my elder brother called me to let me know mom had died.
she was 97 years old and was in a nursing home for the last 7 years.
her mind had left her many years ago to the point she didn't recognize any of us.
Still Totally ADD
Last Wednesday my elder brother called me to let me know mom had died. She was 97 years old and was in a nursing home for the last 7 years. Her mind had left her many years ago to the point she didn't recognize any of us. There will be no funeral service because no one knows her anymore from her congregation. Most have moved, died or new move in's. Both of us can't do it because of distance and health problems.
I had not talk to my brother for over a year and he was quite civil with me. Found out he has had 3 heart attacks in the last year and other health problems. His wive is just as sickly. He seem to be humbled in some way. He has always been very arrogant and looking down his noise at you all my life. Anyway we had a very nice conversation about mom and how unhappy she was all her life. There was a relief we both felt that she had died which I thought was a odd feeling to have. She was never happy being in the borg. She missed all the holidays and her relatives. My father was a hard nose jw. She went along with it and eventually used the wt. teachings as a weapon against others in the congregation. She could be a holy terror. Anyway I felt sad, happy and indifferent this last week about her death. I hope all of you on this board have or had better relationships with you mom. Thanks for listening. Still Totally ADD
Watchtower August 2020 Are they introducing new light?
by Listener inthe latest watchtower is now out and they make this statement -.
7 during the thousand year rule of christ, all of jehovah’s earthly children will have to make changes to please him.
so all of them will have true fellow feeling as they help the resurrected ones to combat sinful tendencies and to live by jehovah’s standards.
Still Totally ADD
This is a teaching I never throughly understood. Why all these test for the great crowd? You are tested at armageddon, you are tested throughout the 1000 year reign and then you are tested at the end of 1000 year reign when Satan is released. But the anointed dies and goes to heaven and that's it with the testing. Then to top it off the great crowd are just adopted children not children. So for the rest of their lives will it be in the back of their minds they are nothing more than a step child of God instead of a worthy child?
Of course it's all nonsense on the wt. part. It really shows it is all speculation on a subject of fantasy. It must be fun to be a writer of the borg. All they need now is a comic illustrator. Still Totally ADD
How do you feel about identifying roughly where you are from ? Country, Region,State ?
by smiddy3 inhi friends ,.
is it just me or do others on this forum like to know where posters are from ?
what country state or region you are from ?
Still Totally ADD
Western NY. Jamestown birth place of Lucille Ball aka "I Love Lucy" fame. Still Totally ADD
Trump declares houses of worship essential service
by Vanderhoven7 inwhat do you think about this?.
Still Totally ADD
What HappyDad and newsheep said. Still Totally ADD
How have Jehovah`s Witnesses ever gotten away with being a Tax Exempt Religion ?
by smiddy3 ini can never get my head around this one ?
don`t the powers that be ever really investigate religions that claim exemption from paying taxes because they claim they are a not for profit religion ?.
you would have to be a brain dead imbecile not to see that the religion known as the" watchtower bible and tract society" otherwise known as "jehovah`s witnesses" are nothing more than a religious publishing house that have made x amount of $$$$$ over the years since their inception in the late 1800`s to this day.
Still Totally ADD
Smiddy3 I agree with you but I feel it would be a slippery slope to go down. If governments go after the borg and win in court then they could go after all places of faith. Then set up their own state religion. Less free country's have done that.
BoogerMan I don't know about other religions but I do know about our little UU congregation. We have to keep meticulously books showing where every penny goes and comes. No concealing of income or expenditures. But we are not a mega church. That's where the real money making is. Still Totally ADD
CO zoom visit this week
by nowwhat? inhe reinterated the end time events.
destruction of babylon the great, proclamation of peace and security, then our hailstorm message and finally armageddon.
we all can go into detail what a load of 💩 this is but here is the kicker.
Still Totally ADD
Don't the anointed have to go to heaven before the big A or die off first? Or is that old information? There is going to be alot going on during that time. Who is responsible for keeping the score card? That way we all know the proper order of everything that happens. Lol. Still Totally ADD
Craziest thing you ever saw in a KH?
by dubstepped ini did this in my facebook group for my podcast and it was fun.. so what's the craziest thing you ever saw?.
for me it was watching a brother have a heart attack during the meeting in the auditorium.
i was a kid and noticed him shaking and acting strange.
Still Totally ADD
It was on Thursday night service meeting my Dad was giving a part when a drunk stranger walks in. Our congregation was very small so we had about 25 in attendance. Anyway my Dad was really getting into his talk when all of a sudden the stranger shouts out in a loud voice "give them hell Archie". In then gets up and stumbles out. My Dad was flabbergasted. I was laughing my head off. Everyone else just sat in silence. It turns out it was one of my Dad old drinking buddies from the past. Still Totally ADD
Short Story about being a Born In
by Anonnimity inhopefully the wording makes its point here, this was for a class assignment.
i think i owe it to myself to start speaking up about things now that i've woken up and this may be a start to it.
underground we brought our sins to the elders, groveling at their feet and professing repentance.
Still Totally ADD
Anonnimity great job. You hit the nail squarely on the head. From a born-in to another I could not have said it better. Take care. Still Totally ADD